

I have tried, and failed, to write three posts in the last week; The drafts have been saved and waiting for me to get the courage to publish them. I look at the links to them every morning when I go online and check if anyone other than spambots have commented on my posts (they never do), and I consider posting them but never do. I consider just deleting them all, but never do that either. They just sit there in limbo, waiting for me to make a decision either way.

I think the main problem is that I feel like I don’t know how to organise my thoughts a lot of the time. My posts ramble along (much like this one will inevitably do), and I don’t know if that is particularly good and engaging writing. I understand that writing regularly is important to improving my skills at it, but the frustration that occurs when I feel like I am writing rubbish constantly makes it hard to keep it up. Plus I feel like I have nothing interesting to write about; I’m not really doing anything, so why would people care to read about me not doing anything?

I think I just am in a lull in my mindset. There are things I could be doing, but instead I just sit at home and feel sorry for myself. Maybe once my mood starts peaking again more consistently I will feel better about all this. Until then I guess I have to post boring, slightly sad posts even when I don’t want to.

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delightful teen smothering her wet ass on her ass crazed playmate. fast wank.