It’s Friday, there are photos, let’s do this.

This week’s photos show the first Japanese lunch Ben and I have had so far this year. We went shopping on the weekend to get me some new jeans and I insisted on having Japanese. Date Night used to always be Japanese food, but we’ve been too poor lately to splurge that much. This was nice because it was a lunchtime special so it still was pretty cheap, really. I regret not taking a photo of the immense amount of rain that occurred yesterday, because there’s basically no evidence of it now. It was amazing though, there was water everywhere!
Also I think the photo of the pigeon is one of my favourites. That stupid bird was so freaked out, it flew away just after I took the photo and I thought it hadn’t turned out right but instead it worked beautifully. That’s about all I can say about these photos, I guess. I think I need to come up with themes for these things so there is a bit more consistency with it all. But I’m terrible with coming up with themes. Dammit.