Week one of unemployment over. It’s gone really quickly and I feel like I haven’t accomplished much this week when I wanted to be super productive. Ah well, I still managed to do some things this week, and one of those things was take photos. So you get good quality photos this week rather than instagram ones. I don’t think I took a single instagram photo this week, actually.
On Tuesday I was in a bit of a defeatist mood, so I tried to combat that by sitting in the sun for a bit. That seems to help, and I’ve read somewhere that sun is supposed to help with depression a bit as well. I grabbed my camera while I was at it because then I could try and pretend I was out the front for a reason. Two of my workmates gave me a pot of tulips on my last day, which was really sweet. They chose the tulips because they reminded the girls of my hair, which is doubly sweet of them. I was really touched by the gift, because I wasn’t expecting anything.

After that I went out the back and took photos of Scout being a doofus in the grass. I don’t know what she was so interested in; probably a bug.

On Wednesday I decided seeing it was another gorgeous day I was going to go for an actual walk. A walk out on the streets away from the house. I started with a few photos of Tiger, just to get up to speed. She didn’t appreciate them.

Then I actually left the house. It was nice to see a bit more of the neighbourhood, we’ve been living in Marrickville for almost a year and haven’t really explored that much. I looked down one of the streets right near the house before branching out and wandering down more streets on the other side of the main road.

On my way back home I saw this cat just hanging out next to a shop, not caring about everyone walking past. I wasn’t sure how skittish he might be (we have a fair few strays around our house that are almost impossible to photograph) so I slowly got closer until I could get a good photo of him. He had a collar on but looked pretty scruffy. I wonder where he lived.

And that was my walk! I got a Vietnamese chicken roll for lunch and spent the afternoon on the internet again as per usual. Like with the other posts, all these photos are links to where they are on flickr, with bigger sizes and other photos I didn’t put in the post. Go check ’em out or whatever.