So it is the first of June, which means that it’s Officially Winter. We finally put the doona back on the bed two nights ago, so for me that is when it started. I’m actually surprised it took us this long seeing how cold our house has been lately; I busted out the heater in the office at least a week ago. So, in celebration of the new season beginning, I decided to remind myself of things I like about Winter before I get sick and decide that the weather needs to be warmer again. Here we go, in no particular order:
10. Soup

(photo credit to Dear Belly)
9. Breath Clouds

(photo credit to Billijis Loc)
8. Kitten Cuddles
Scout has taken to lying between me and Ben of a night time, so when I wake up in the middle of the night I have a cat purring right next to me (or, sometimes, partially on top of me). It is so cute when she walks up and flops on top of me. The extra warmth is an added perk, too.
7. Winter Clothes
Scarves, coats, boots, tights, layers upon layers upon layers. That is one of the first things I think about when I think of Winter. I love that I can work all these different aspects into outfits and not end up sweating like a pig. I get cold really easily, so sometimes I overcompensate on the layers front, but it doesn’t matter as much in Winter.
6. Hot Drinks
I am a pretty big tea drinker, and there’s something lovely about holding a cup of tea and feeling the warmth spread through your hands and slowly up your arms that I can’t get over. I think when I drank coffee I liked the warmth of the drink more than the taste or the caffeine. Maybe that’s why I don’t really drink it much these days.
5. Snuggles
This one seems pretty obvious, really. I’m always cold, while Ben is always hot, so snuggling on the lounge or before going to sleep is nice. In Summer it’s frustrating, because we both like to cuddle but it’s normally too hot to even think about it. In Winter it’s great, because the colder weather is a perfect excuse to spend most of the day on a weekend in bed cuddling.
4. Rain
This will probably come back to haunt me, but I really do like it when it rains. Everything looks so clean and shiny when it rains, and when I am wearing appropriate clothes it’s nice to walk around in the wet weather, earphones in and pretending I’m in a movie. Of course after a while everything goes soggy and miserable when the rains hangs around, but before then it’s nice and peaceful.
3. My Birthday

(photo credit to RebeccaVC1)
2.Roast Dinners

(photo credit to Mr San)
1. The Sunshine
When a lot of Winter is grey and dreary, the nice sunny days feel more special. You try to make the most of it before the clouds roll back over and you need to retreat back inside. Also, Winter sun seems thinner than Summer sun; I don’t feel like I’m going to get sunburnt as soon as I step outside so I am more likely to sit outside and soak it up. The Cancer Council wouldn’t approve, but sometimes you just have to recharge your batteries with some sunshine.
So there are 10 of the things I like about Winter. There seems to be a bit of a theme in that I like things that warm me up and keep me warm, but I know that when it comes to Summer all I want is to be cold; it’s a fine line for me, it seems. This was a nice exercise to think about these kind of things, hopefully I remember them when the season is in full swing.
I’m with you with roast pork dinners,kitten cuddles ( but in my case – cat squashes!!) and the rain and sunshine.
But what about warm bed socks; hot water bottles; sitting in front of a wood fire with hot chocolate and melting marshmallows; movie marathons on rainy weekend and stay in beds on Sunday mornings?
Love MummahXX
Those are also very legitimate things to like about Winter! My list is in no way a definitive one, that’s for sure.