This week had the theme of “Smash and Grab: how to plan a movie heist”. I went through a phase of watching movie heists when I was younger, and was excited to see that I hadn’t seen any of the suggestions this week. Hell, I am pretty sure I hadn’t even heard of any of […]
Category Archives: Video
That Movie Book – Week Twelve
This week’s theme was “The Delicate Delicacies in the Delicatessen of Jean-Pierre Jeunet”. I really enjoyed The last French Cinema theme with Luc Besson, so I was hoping this week would generate a lot of things I wanted to talk about but couldn’t quite work out how to get them straight in my head. I […]
That Movie Book – Week Eleven
So, this week was called “For The Love Of God, Why Are We Doing This?! Why messing with DNA is a bad idea”. Five films dedicated to demonstrating how genetic engineering was going to be a big mistake, and just how big a mistake it would be. We went out on Friday night, so the […]
That Movie Book – Week Ten
Man, we’re up to week ten already? Doing this regularly sure is hammering home how quickly time passes. It definitely doesn’t feel like I’ve been doing this for ten weeks, that’s for sure. Ok, This week’s theme was “Teachers Who Can (And Will) Kick Your Arse”. Honestly, it felt like a bit of a […]
That Movie Book – Week Nine
This week’s theme was “Friends, Romans, Countrymen: A crash course in politics, movie-style”. I was worried that it was going to be hard to decide which suggestions to watch, or that watching them would make me frustrated at politics, but it was surprisingly easy on both counts! Because of that we had a pretty easy-going […]