So, I know I don’t really talk about my personal life on here that much, But I think maybe I want to. I guess I can start with the news that I have quit my job! I handed my resignation letter in last week, and my last day is tomorrow. After that I will be deliciously unemployed again and get to start the ever-enjoyable job application process once more.

I didn’t talk about it on here because it feels a little too public, but if we have hung out in person (or on some places on the internet) in the last three months then I am pretty sure I have ranted about the people I work with and how angry they made me. I am almost positive that everyone I talked to about this told me to get out of that place and it still took me three months of working there to really realise that I didn’t want to be there enough to stop making excuses and actually leave. I’m not really sure what is going to happen from now on. Obviously I need a new job, but I don’t really know what sort of direction I’ll be heading in. Maybe I’ll get another office job, maybe I’ll go back to retail? I do like the regularity of office work, and am enjoying having my weekends free, so that looks like the most likely scenario, but if I find a retail job that sounds awesome I can just go for it. There are so many options out there for me that it’s a little daunting, but I am also really excited to see what happens.
Money’s going to be tighter with me not working, but I am still strangely positive about all this. I can do this, I can find a job that doesn’t make me feel like a terrible person. I am also going to try and be more creative these days. I’ve been so stressed lately that I haven’t wanted to do anything at all, no drawing, no writing (hence why these entries haven’t been super wordy), I didn’t even feel like taking shitty instagram photos, I just went through the motions. Since officially resigning I have all these things I want to do. It’s liberating and a bit overwhelming; I have all these ideas, I don’t know where to start.
Hopefully on Wednesdays I will write posts like this, about what I’m doing and how things are going; it might just be a drawing I’ve done, or an update on crafts, or even just a blog about the week. I also want to actually work on making this site look more like how I want it to. Baby steps. So here’s to the future, in all its terrifying glory. Here’s hoping it doesn’t fuck me over.