2011 Overview

So 2011 is over (or at least will be over quite soon). I am kinda glad. A fair few people I know feel like 2011 was a shit of a year and are looking forward to 2012 simply because it’s not 2011. I feel like the whole ‘2012 is going to be the end of the world’ rubbish is a good excuse to do things I have been putting off for a while. I don’t think the world is going to end in December, but I would like to feel like I have accomplished something this year anyway. Just in case. Before all that I guess I should sum up the positives and negatives of 2011.


Didn’t die
Got the tattoo I have wanted for about 6 years
Kept my job and got a quasi-promotion
Decided cider is delicious
Started dressing more nicely
Celebrated 4 years being with Ben
Moved into a cute little house with some friends
Got a cat!
Finished paying off the money I borrowed off Mum
Taught myself to crochet and started making a blanket

Still have anxiety (and I suspect it’s gotten worse)
Still have this cough that won’t go away and the specialist I saw was useless
Family issues keep popping up
My cat got very sick just after we got her (but is better now)
My job got really stressful and I ended up being overworked for not much money
Had some scary relationship talks that ended in lots of tears
Quit my job without something to go to and subsequently have used up almost all my savings and credit card already

So I guess the year was ultimately a good one, I mean there’s more on the positives list than the negatives, but most of the negatives happened fairly recently so it feels like the year has been shithouse. I’ll make another post with my resolutions and general aims for 2012, but that will probably be tomorrow and not when I am about to get ready to go do NYE stuff.

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