Last night when I went to bed I had the most painful headache imaginable; it felt like my left eye and my jaw on that side were being stabbed repeatedly with a very sharp, pointy implement. I get headaches often enough because of common enough reasons like dehydration, eye strain, mystery brain pain, but I know how they feel and even the ones that concentrate behind one of my eyes was nowhere near as bad as this (and those ones are fucking dire).
Somehow I managed to get out of bed and take some painkillers, though I honestly don’t remember how. I just remember taking them and then was back in bed laying on my stomach so I could press the heel of my palm against my eye in an attempt to relieve the pain until the sweet codeine kicked in. Ben said it took maybe 15 minutes before he could tell that I had fallen asleep, but that time felt like it went for hours and I was worried it wasn’t going to be numbed enough for me to get enough sleep for the night.
So I woke up in the morning groggy as hell, and spent the rest of the day feeling half asleep but thankfully headache-free. Of course if the migraine was still around I would have called in sick, but it’s very rare that headaches linger after that initial course of codeine. Even when I had migraines in high school, where I was in so much pain I couldn’t see or walk properly and ended up vomiting, were fixed simply enough. I just spend all day feeling like my thoughts are stuck in molasses.
The only thing that seemed to help was tea. Hot, sweet tea with a teensy splash of milk made me feel just that little bit more human which made doing the customer service stuff I had to do a reality. Sure I was still a bit slow, but that was better than just sitting there staring blankly at the computer screen.