Friday is for Photos: Stanmore Cat Edition

One thing I have noticed about this area is the abundance of cats that wander about. I’m pretty happy about this, because it means I get to pat new kitties, but sometimes it can be an issue when I have to get somewhere on time. Yesterday I was going to see a band play nearby and there must have been something in the air because I saw so many cats on the way; I took maybe twice as long to get where I needed to go because I kept stopping to say hello. I managed to take photos of some of them, but missed out on the three gingers that were hanging out in some front yards.



There was also a Siamese named Basil who the Bengal in the second photo wanted to play with. Basil was too busy getting pats from me to be photographed well, but this fella was too shy to come close so I got a good photo of his/her marking. Bengals are such gorgeous cats.

I also got to hang out with Rusty yesterday while doing the washing. We have a little concrete area where the laundry is, and our local nomad cat Rusty likes to hang out there sometimes to bask in the sun. He and Scout have had some issues in the past, so I brought her out to see if they’ve gotten friendlier and there wasn’t a fight where I would have to intervene, so I’m going to chalk that up as a success. There was a moment where I think she tried to play with him; She arched up really tall and pranced over to him like a kitten would, but Rusty just hissed at her and she backed off. Poor Scout, no one will play with you.



Rusty is such a chill cat, you can tell he just doesn’t care about anything. He’s king of the area, for sure.  He’s the perfect cat to take photos of in that respect.


Scout ended up just lying down nearby (but still far enough away to feel ‘safe’) and watched him while he slept. I think she’s bored and misses Tiger more than we realised, because she’s been really eager to go outside since she saw Rusty. I’m pretty sure we’re gonna end up getting another cat when we move (hopefully a ginger).

IMG_3079IMG_3084Look at those eyes. For all that I complain about how noisy she is, I do love my Scoutface.

2012 Overview

2012 is dead, long live 2013! I know it’s been a while since I updated this (brain problems, man, they suck balls) but I figured since I did it last year I should keep up the tradition. So, 2012 summarised:


  • Got a new job, in a grownup office.
  • Started paying off my credit card debt, and even saving some money as well
  • Went to Melbourne for my birthday.
  • Crocheted heaps; finished my granny square blanket and made two more different ones.
  • Moved into a cute little apartment with cheap rent.
  • Started painting a bookshelf, my first foray into DIY stuff.
  • Started socialising more, going to Pub Trivia fairly regularly with some friends.
  • Talked to someone about my anxiety.
  • My job was awful, so I quit after three months.
  • Despite trying hard, I’ve been unemployed since.


So it looks like this year was more positive than negative, it’s just that the unemployment thing has been so long and stressful that it kinda tainted the positives. For the past two months I’ve been just thinking hard about what I want to do in 2013 (and beyond), rather than trying to get a job that I might not even really want, so I am feeling good about the year to come and have some sort of direction now. Here is a photo of a cat to celebrate.


(Damn, I miss Monty so much)

Basically 2013 is going to be a year where I organise myself and try and stay being productive. 2013, the year of Motherfuckin’ Lists.

  • I need a new job ASAP, but I’m not going to work out constantly and burn out. I have to respect my limits and keep some time for myself.
  • I need to relearn Japanese. I started using a website to refresh my knowledge, but have been lazy with it lately. Get back on that, Hannah!
  • Once I get a job I need to book an appointment with the tattoo artist I really like for my next tattoo. She has a year’s waiting list so I will have plenty of time to save up, but I need to get that ball rolling.
  • I need to keep up some good habits I’ve been cultivating lately; I need to keep drinking water, exercising regularly (even doing more of it if I can), and working on my anxiety issues. Hopefully I can make even more good habits if I keep these ones up.
  • I need to keep myself and my days organised. I am not allowed to sit on the computer all day instead of doing things that need to be done. I can only do that if I’ve done at least the majority of stuff on my to do list for the day. No Excuses. I’m looking at you, Mr “Oh I’ll just watch one more episode, then I’ll write that email”.
  • Ideally I’m going to try and do more creative stuff this year; I realised recently that it’s been way too long since I drew anything, be it on paper or digital, and I know I haven’t updated this so my writing habit has stagnated also. I don’t know how successful I’ll be with it, but I’m going to at least try.

So that’s all my goals for this year as of this moment in time. It seems that the theme is to work on bettering myself and not just live life on a day-to-day basis like I have been. Feels good, man.


Ok, this post is going to be a bit of an angry one. There will be swearing and sarcasm, but I will try and not let it all devolve into a jumble of swears every second word. No promises, but I will try.

Last night I went in to the city to look for Christmas presents for my family. I was feeling good that I was being organised this year and trying to get it all done early, so I didn’t have to go to the shops when it’s full of people and have to convince myself that punching an annoying child is a bad idea. I went to a book shop, so I was feeling even better, because book shops are the best place to waste time and I had to hang around until Ben was ready to go get dinner with me. It was when I gave up on presents and had to wander through the Home Improvements section on the way to look at the pretty Japanese craft books that everything went downhill. It was there that I, very quickly, found these books and had to take photos of them because they just blew my mind.

Three separate books aimed specifically at women on topics that are seen as things that “the man of the house” would do. All of them were nestled up against books that would teach you the exact same stuff as these ones, but didn’t feel the need to pander to bullshit gender roles. When mentioning these to my friends, one of them found me the full title of “Girl’s Guide to DIY”. It’s actually “Girl’s Guide to DIY: How to fix things in your home without breaking your nails”. If it wasn’t bad enough to begin with, it just really rams home the whole deal that if you’re a woman you should only care about your clothes and your nails and none of that hard scary stuff around the house. I’m sure this book is full of simple DIY things that I can do while still wearing my favourite kitten heels!

I’m just so sick of this bullshit of targeting products to women that really don’t need to be. Pens, Cars, Computers, Beers, Cigarettes, Tools, these things keep being made and marketed and the list keeps getting bigger and bigger. Why do I have to have a pink hammer if I want to build something? Because I’m a woman I am physically incapable of using a standard hammer with a wooden handle? Why does my car have to match my eyeshadow rather than being a colour that I like? Is a green car too manly that my poor lady brain might get confused and I end up having a crash? How is a pen for women any different to any other pen available to buy today? I am pro-pens and have never ever passed up on buying one because it wasn’t appropriate for my delicate lady sensibilities. And while I don’t like beer, it’s not because all the beers out there are too manly for me to drink, it’s because I don’t like the taste of beer. This ladybeer is less carbonated so that we don’t burp, because God Forbid I perform an act that is perfectly natural and something everyone does. Oh no, I forgot, women don’t burp or fart or poop or smell bad.

On top of all this stupidity, why does everything targeted towards women have to be pink!? It starts right from the get go, where you’ll be inundated with pink things as soon as people find out you’ve popped out a girl. Toys, clothes, furniture, all that stuff that is supposed to be for girls is pink. As a girl who doesn’t overly like pink and never have, it fucking sucks. Thankfully I was a strong-willed child because if photos from that time are any indication, I chose what I wanted to wear and it was very rarely fucking pink. If you like pink, good for you, wear it all you want I don’t care, but if I have a choice between pink and almost any other colour ever then pink’s going to be on the losing side. If I have a baby girl then she’s going to wear whatever coloured clothes she wants, not pink just because she’s a girl. And if I have a boy and he wants to wear pink then I will support him wholeheartedly because these things shouldn’t fucking matter.

I want to know where the male version of these things are. There’s nowhere near as many bullshit “Crochet For Blokes” or “Manly Gardening” types of books out there. It must be because men are capable of working things out for themselves but women need their hand held throughout the process because they’re such delicate beings. Men don’t need to worry about how they look when doing manly things, because they’re tough men! They have more important things to think about than that, but fickle flighty women are so shallow that their appearances are vital. It makes me so angry that the world is like this.

When I was younger I would try and avoid girly things as much as possible, I think in an attempt to show my frustration at the whole deal. These days I do some stereotypically feminine things; I wear dresses, put on makeup, paint my nails pretty designs, I like to buy flowers to have around the house. I will squeal in excitement at cute animals and will base some of my purchases on which thing is prettier. I have told Ben he couldn’t buy a specific gaming mouse for his computer because it is too ugly (he bought it anyway because he knew I wasn’t serious and also because he has free will). I knit and crochet and embroider. I am not a straw feminist, hating everything and yelling about the patriarchy at every turn. I understand that I can like girly things because I like them rather than because A Man has decided I like them.

But at the same time I don’t need to be pandered to in my life. I will buy the stationery I want, and if it is not pink that’s not going to stop me from using it. If I buy a car I will be looking into safety ratings, not the car that helps me not get wrinkles. If your drinks taste like shit it doesn’t matter how girly they are, I’m still not going to drink them. I really wish society would realise that everyone is a person with a personality before they are a Man or a Woman or anything in between. A woman in a dress and makeup buying paint is just as legitimate a customer as a big beardy dude in clothes covered in paint splatters; her wearing a dress in that moment doesn’t mean she is magically incapable of wielding a paintbrush just as competently as the guy. And by the same token a beardy guy is just as capable of doing something feminine like crochet as I am, so people shouldn’t just laugh it off when he goes to buy yarn. It shouldn’t make a difference, why can’t people realise that already?

It probably won’t happen in my lifetime, but I can still hope. Thankfully it seems that I’m not the only one out there that is frustrated by this, if the angry articles about the ladycar or the ladypens are anything to go off.


Things I’ve realised this past week:

  • Being sick really sucks.
  • Cold and flu tablets are useless except for the sweet, sweet codeine in them. The decongestant aspect is a filthy lie.
  • I’m completely useless as a person when my sleeping schedule gets messed up.
  • Blocked sinuses are awful in a number of ways.
  • Coughing until you feel like you’re going to vomit makes it easier to blow your nose and subsequently breathe for a while.
  • I didn’t realise how much I take breathing for granted until trying to breathe through my nose felt like I was suffocating slowly.
  • Eating while having to mouth-breathe makes me look like I don’t know how to chew with my mouth closed. It was that or suffocate, I made an executive decision!

Things to do now that I’m over the worst of it:

  • Clear the piles of tissues from around my desk.
  • Soak all my angry piercings and try and get them happy again.
  • Organise the piles of clothes and get them put away or washed.
  • Vacuum the floors and clean the kitchen.
  • Make the phone calls I’ve been avoiding while I sounded like death warmed up.
  • Start getting up at a regular time every day.
  • Use up these ripe bananas in some sort of awesome banana bread recipe.

It’s been a rough weekend, but it’s over now. I’m feeling (slightly) better than I have lately, so I have to get back on top of the housework and other projects I’ve got going on. Now I just have to make sure I don’t push myself too hard to get everything done now that I don’t want to just sleep all day; I don’t want to get myself sick again by being impatient.

Scout’s been following me everywhere lately, which is cute but also worrying. What does she know that I don’t? She looks pretty cute here, though.

Festival Failure

Last Sunday I went to the Marrickville Festival and took photos of it, intending to make a post about it for today.

But I have a cold (thanks a lot, Ben) and the photos weren’t very good, so I’m going to drink tea and hope the cold and flu tablets work well enough that I can go to a friend’s Halloween party tonight. Here is a photo from the festival that sums up how I’m feeling right now: